
出版 (2008)

Small Class Teaching and Learning in FDBWA Mrs Fung Ping Shan Primary School A Case Study Report

  • 作者    HUI King Fai Sammy & LEUNG Kit Yan
  • 出版    Centre for Development and Research in Small Class Teaching, The Hong Kong Institution of Education
  • 出版日期    2008.05
  • 定价    HK$35
  • 页数    88

The FDBWA Mrs Fung Ping Shan Primary School invited the Centre for Development and Research in Small Class Teaching of The Hong Kong Institute of Education to conduct a systematic evaluation to investigate the effectiveness of the school’s small class teaching and learning. It aimed to find out how teachers teach and how students learn in small class settings, as well as to determine the critical factors conducive to quality small class teaching and learning.

小班教学策略集思录 (售罄)

  • 作者    黎国灿 叶娟卿
  • 出版    香港教育学院小班教学发展与研究中心
  • 出版日期    2008.05
  • 定价    HK$20
  • 页数    27


科学探究与合作学习 (售罄)

  • 作者    苏咏梅 叶娟卿
  • 出版    香港教育学院小班教学发展与研究中心、一口田出版有限公司
  • 出版日期    2008.05
  • 定价    HK$60

猜一猜…… 这本书是哪一性质的科学类书籍? 想一想…… 这本书与其他的科学书籍有何不同? 谈一谈…… 这本书如何提高探究科学的技能? 做一做…… 翻阅这本书,发掘进行探究科学的无穷乐趣! (英华小学林浣心校长) 科学探究学习活动不单激起学生学习的好奇心,学生在课堂上亦能积极投入,各尽己职,为小组的共同成果而努力。学生无论在课堂知识的增长上、学习态度上,或是与同学的沟通互动上,都能得到发展。这正是「科学探究」与「合作学习」为教师、为学生创造的奇妙果效。 (圣公会日修小学李伟校长)

An Independent Evaluation of the ‘Variation for the Improvement of Teaching And Learning’ (VITAL) Project

  • 作者    Elliott, J assisted by Yu, W. M. C

  • 出版    Centre for Learning Studies and School Partnership

  • 出版日期    2008

  • 定价    HK$60

  • 页数    264

The VITAL project involved the application of a unique combination of the Japanese lesson studies and the Variation Theory developed by Ference Marton and his co-workers, in the form of Learning Studies. The Project therefore combined Asian and Western ideas about how to improve teaching and learning in classrooms that are originated in Hong Kong in a rather unique form of action research. The main aims and goals of the VITAL project team worked in close collaboration with schools and teachers to 1. enhance the implementation of the Curriculum Reforms in selected Key Learning Areas (KLAs) by trying to bridge the gap between the goals of the reforms and actual student learning. 2. build teacher capacity and facilitate the change of mindset necessary for the implementation of the Curriculum Reforms. 3. produce research lessons that reflect the practices advocated by the curriculum reforms, in selected KLAs, in terms of content, pedagogy, pupil learning, assessment, and the integration of values and attitudes across the curriculum. 4. engender a common professional language throughout the school of the analysis and improvement of teaching and learning, based on the Theory of Variation. 5. contribute to the development of schools as learning communities and empower teachers to develop school-based Curricula and contribute to evidence-based curriculum development across selected KLAs.

「优化课堂学习计划」数学科课堂学习研究案例 小学数学验算教学: 除法中的余数

  • 作者    江巧妍
  • 出版    院校协作与学校体验事务处
  • 出版日期    2008.01
  • 定价    HK$50
  • 页数    18


「优化课堂学习计划」小学中文科观摩课案例 小学阅读理解教学: 记人的记敍文

  • 作者    郭永贤
  • 出版    院校协作与课堂学习研究中心
  • 出版日期    2008.01
  • 定价    HK$50
  • 页数    16
